Director of PaperStreetGames.net

Age 34, Male

Mobile Dev

Plymouth University

Bristol & Plymouth, ENG

Joined on 12/6/04

Exp Points:
13,330 / 13,600
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Vote Power:
7.65 votes
Police Officer
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Your Alexa rank for OmgLasersPewPew.com is 1,697,791. Your compete rank cannot be computed due to low traffic. Considering that my alexa rank is slightly better and has only fetched 7 million page requests over the past 2 years, wouldn't 30 million seem a bit exaggerated? Are you sure you are not messing up file requests and page requests?

No lol the site goes through busy periods and not-so-busy periods, it was int he top 100,000 for a very short period... traffic is rather odd on my site =p

It's because the name is so aweseom!

OMGLASERSPEWPEW.com I go there sometimes just because of the awesome name.

thanks =D

How come our site, exotworking.com has a rank of 290,980 with 2 million pageviews in about one and a half year? :S Or am I doing something wrong with alexa?

Also, the name is brilliance.

My alexa.com rank is usually FAR higher, just suffered lately because the site was down for ages and I wasn't getting it out there at all.

Also alexa isn't 100% reliable and doesn't rank sites purely on traffic. I guess it's the closest you can get though =\

grabbing games from newgrounds and posting them on your site without artist permission.. lol thats something to be proud of alright.

I haven't actually taken the games it just uses the NG link thingy, like when you can share the .swf to add to your myspace or whatever using the newgrounds link to the file.

However I still see where you're coming on and if artists request removal of their game I do remove it! Also... allow people to sign-up to your site! I need to reply to that thread about me having OCD, I've had people messaging me on AIM asking if I have OCD because of that thread! =[

"haven't actually taken the games it just uses the NG link thingy, like when you can share the .swf to add to your myspace or whatever using the newgrounds link to the file."

ohhh you mean hotlinking. haha alright my bad,, thats waaaay better. ;)

<a href="http://forum.mindchamber.net/viewtopic.php?t=1582">http://forum.mindchamber.net/viewtopi c.php?t=1582</a>

THAT was you? Lol.

Yes that was me lol

and I am hoping my sarcasm detectors are right (internet sarcasm isn't as obvious to readers as the writer often thinks) and i know im still showcasing the games but NG makes these games available, im not editing the games at all so the makers still get credited if they have it in their games PLUS i remove them if requested plus ng is credited for hosting the games and grargh i have ocd so just let me be! :(

You told people puppies would die if they didn't sign up. Maybe that's the secret to popularity.

I agree with MC this isn't really an accomplishment all the stuff is stolen. Artists can't request that you remove it if they don't know it's there, if you had emailed all the artists before putting up their games that'd be a different story.

just because NG doesn't stop you from hotlinking doesn't make it right,
you aren't awesome because you use NGs bandwith to make money off of other people's games. and the fact that you make a frontpage post is a slap to newgrounds face.

"now at what point did i brag that I was doing it? =p"

you made a frontpage talking about all the hits you get from games hotlinked to your site... if thats not bragging i dont know what is

The fact that you're site just has a lot of content from newgrounds, or that you add games without contacting the creators isn't a bad thing, most content is made with spreading in mind. But like MC continues to point out, hotlinking uses newgrounds bandwidth....so you're quite literally stealing from newgrounds and profiting on their bandwidth, and a front page post about that, is weak. Use your sites money to buy and use your own bandwidth.

Yeah I'm going to have to agree with Mindchamber.
That's pretty lame. =/

Sorry man, you're just taking games and flashes from newgrounds, you deserve no credit at all for the work. It's a cute site but taking the work of others should not be something to brag about, especially on newgrounds itself

MC is right, and quite frankly you are a douche.

How did you get other people's games on your site? Isn't that illegal?

booooooooooooo hotlinking. pay for your own bandcwidth dammit

The Meese

have been Released.