My flash website just turned 1 year old! Also crossing the 30 million hits mark, I would say the first year has been a fairly successful one!
Over the next few weeks/months I may start making more flash games and using the sponsorship money on advertizing to try and raise the site upto the next level for it's second year in circulation. Thanks to those of you that have used the site over the last year, I hope you continue too! Please tell friends and family, use it in school and work, play a part in the site's rising!
I am also going to take this opportunity to quickly plug my new site - selling designer labelled clothing at extremely low prices! Although the site is far from finished it is finally set-up with a PayPal shopping cart feature so it can be used.
I have also come up with a few big innovative ideas for new ways to make lots of money online, because although may not be about the money, I'm just the same as every other guy out there that wants to get his hands on some of the world's precious money! So watch out for new posts on my blog as I'm sure things will be revealed in the near future!
~ Joe Willmott
Your Alexa rank for is 1,697,791. Your compete rank cannot be computed due to low traffic. Considering that my alexa rank is slightly better and has only fetched 7 million page requests over the past 2 years, wouldn't 30 million seem a bit exaggerated? Are you sure you are not messing up file requests and page requests?
No lol the site goes through busy periods and not-so-busy periods, it was int he top 100,000 for a very short period... traffic is rather odd on my site =p