I made a small platformer last year during a free morning at school and whacked it on flashgamelicense.com to try and get a sponsor. I had a deal and after 8 months I finally thought "okay this sponsor is dicking me around.... WHERE MA MONEY!?" and went on to try for new sponsorships.
GameGecko.com made an offer and BAM we were away! A couple of days later I finally got to release my game: Oran.
The sponsor was quick and easy to deal with which was great, but unfortunately I had to remove all my website branding so I guess I will use this post as a quick plug to my website - OmgLasersPewPew.com =]
Please play and review. I am actually going to be working on a sequel as I have had many people say they wanted more levels and a bit more of a challenge, so it would be very nice if people could suggest other things to be in the levels? New enemies, new hazards, anything! Please leave reviews and suggest things you would like to see as the only reason this one is as short and empty as it is, is because I lack the imagination of what else to put in it =\
oh this is nothing like those other games
virdia purplenum
well they are sequels to eachother so it would kinda make a little bit of sense!