You are a terrible human. This is an EXACT clone of our game Mine Runner (on Android/iOS free). We will contact the admins immediately.
You are a terrible human. This is an EXACT clone of our game Mine Runner (on Android/iOS free). We will contact the admins immediately.
Do not be stupid, the graphics were purchased on Envato, I paid for them, i have all the rights in use.
I advise you to read the terms of use before talking shit
Beno is gay.
Nice one on the success, people seem to love it! I really think you did an incredible job with the game, some of these ideas I would've never thought of.
Just because I am a dick: Hey everyone, this game was myyyyyyy idea that they bought off meeeeeeeeeeee! MWUHAHAHAH!
No really, great job. Suck dick.
lol moosey.
It is exactly like that very very old game spank the monkey. I guess it kwpt me busy for a minute though so it's not totally useless. I banned Tom at 1093mph =D
Your welcome :D
review 100!
i remember playing the beta of this on fgl, loved it then and love it even more now! absolutely amazing game!
Hey mooseisloose :) Thanks for playing again and I'll catch you on FGL :)
v nice
good to see you got a sponsor in the end =D
congrats on daily 5th and frontpage =)
Thanks Moose! :D
I can remember when we started this game, both n00bs at flash :p
it came out pretty well I think! certain things need work... just small modifications, but overall this is pretty darn great! well done :)
Yea, I left you a special thanks in the credits, because without you I would have never of finished it. I owe you.
loved it just like the first one, can't wait for number 3 =p
Thanks. Hopefully it won't be a year and a half wait before the next one, but I wouldn't hold my breath over it... You know, because it'll probably be a while... before... the next one comes out...
it all looked great apart from the gameover screen, the medals were poorly drawn and the text was hard to read, apart from that, this game rawks my sawks
Thanks :) As for the medals, they wern't originally going to be there, but I thought it would make gameplay funner for those playing on easy mode...
You've done it again!
Fabulous work as always, it's hard not to spam you on AIM and kiss your ass but I think I can manage =p great game, hope you do well in the contest *cough*WADEFRONTPAGETHISNOW!*c ough*
i think you gave me the wrong score :(
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Age 34, Male
Mobile Dev
Plymouth University
Bristol & Plymouth, ENG
Joined on 12/6/04