Director of PaperStreetGames.net

Age 33, Male

Mobile Dev

Plymouth University

Bristol & Plymouth, ENG

Joined on 12/6/04

Exp Points:
13,330 / 13,600
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.65 votes
Police Officer
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Lots going on, let's plough through it all quickly kids!

Earlier this year I got given a big pile of money, an awesome office and a big old support team by WebStart Bristol. In exchange I had to create a new company (Paper Street Games) and give them 10%. The company is now doing well, making money and games and stuff for mobile. Go check it out at PaperStreetGames.net or don't; your choice.

I just released my first flash game in years called Occulus and after a nice little message from Mr Fulp I have loaded it with score-based medals. There is a possibility of more medals but I am incredibly busy right now so let me know if you'd want to see more... supply and demand! There's also an awesome free mobile version that's just... better? It's available on both iOS and Android from our website for free.

I also had a game on NG a few years ago called Run-O-Saur, which I then released on iPhone. With some of the lovely investment money I recieved, the game has now been completely redesigned, packed with fun new features and upgrades and released on Android as well as re-released on iOS, so go check out Run-O-Saur for free here.

I know there was a lot more to talk about but it's one of those posts where excitement makes you forget stuff unfortunately. Also our company Twitter page follows any games developers, so hit us up on there. We only follow developers/publishers/press so we have no clutter when we need to get hold of people, though.

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Recent Game Medals

1,115 Points

Top Floor Clear 25 Points

mastered the first floor!

First Contact 5 Points

touch enemy or spike... not sooo clever!

Hang Of It 25 Points

That's the way things work!

Porbeagle Shark 5 Points

Lift a Porbeagle Shark!

Perfect Crab Quiz 50 Points

Uncover 6 Crabs in a row!

Sandbar Shark 5 Points

Lift a Sandbar Shark!

Caribbean Reef Shark 5 Points

Lift a Caribbean Reef Shark!

First Flight 5 Points

Your very first flight!

Wright Brother 5 Points

Beat first 3 levels

Level 1 5 Points

Level 1