talk about bad timing
excellent game, woulda been weekly 1st if you hadn't released it at the same time as the new dad movie... which meant you didnt even get daily 1st which this shoulda DEFINATELY got =(
talk about bad timing
excellent game, woulda been weekly 1st if you hadn't released it at the same time as the new dad movie... which meant you didnt even get daily 1st which this shoulda DEFINATELY got =(
this MUST get frontpage otherwise Tom is an idiot =)
also what did you use to make it? i've been thinking about making 3d games for a while now, I heard director is a good program but what do you use? o.O
it all looked great apart from the gameover screen, the medals were poorly drawn and the text was hard to read, apart from that, this game rawks my sawks
Thanks :) As for the medals, they wern't originally going to be there, but I thought it would make gameplay funner for those playing on easy mode...
yet ANOTHER great game, you are my idol!!!!!!!!!!11111111111
Oh Saviour!
Through your efforts and others of equal kind heart,
this submission has been Protected!
nice work =)
You've done it again!
Fabulous work as always, it's hard not to spam you on AIM and kiss your ass but I think I can manage =p great game, hope you do well in the contest *cough*WADEFRONTPAGETHISNOW!*c ough*
i think you gave me the wrong score :(
nice man!
I was playing that for waaaaay too long! frontpage now! daily 1st much? omg great game anyways xD
Wade you *HAVE* to put this on frontpage! I love it! It's a fantastic game! Lovin the style of graphics too =p
great game!
Loved it, fived and fived!
fucking awesome!
shoulda got 4.23 not 3.23 its a kickass game! frontpage for sure! =p
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Age 34, Male
Mobile Dev
Plymouth University
Bristol & Plymouth, ENG
Joined on 12/6/04